The Selkie Zine is a biannual (ish) publication and collective originating in Sitka, Alaska.

This project takes its name from a group of friends discovering the underwater worlds of Southeast Alaska. After watching the Scottish-lore-inspired animated film Song of the Sea, we found a word to describe the transformation we felt when we zipped into our wetsuits and strapped on our flippers: “Selkies" are magical shapeshifting seal women who may come ashore to steal a fisherman’s heart but always return to the ocean.

Through this zine, we want to think about how our womanhood informs our relationship with the land. What wisdom can we learn from our sisters, and from the changeling Mama Matrix herself? In these pages we seek time and space to sit with the emotional, irrational, mystical side of living with climate change.

As Bill McKibbon recently wrote about global warming;

“If the scientists are right, we’re living through the biggest thing that’s happened since human civilization emerged. . . but where are the goddamn operas?”

These are our selkie songs.

To subscribe, please visit our patreon page: here.
